Sweet is fruit of labor, and the same can be true for pregnancy labor. This is a culmination of a nine-month period of apprehension, anxiety, and wait for your bundle of joy. This is the also most trying period of a young woman’s life. The end result maybe sweet, but pregnancy labor is undeniable the most painful part. And there are as many opinions and advices as the number of women who have undergone labor pain.
Here, I would like to talk about the many beliefs associated with pregnancy labor. It is popularly believed that having sexual intercourse may hasten up labor. Some even believe that brisk walking or power walking (as they say) nipple stimulation or even eating spicy foods or a pineapple help in inducing natural labor. Yet, some recommend administering enema or having castor oil. But all the aforementioned methods evoke a mixed opinion among doctors and midwives.
Though it is a fact that pregnancy labor takes it own natural course between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. It usually begins with the dilation of the cervix form zero to ten centimeters and this period is the longest in pregnancy labor. And then begins the painful stage of contractions spaced 5 minutes apart lasting a minute or so. But a woman’s body is undoubtedly the most wonderful creation of God. It has its own way of enduring this pain. Though, it also helps to have a supportive husband and research proves that it helps in reducing the need for pain relief drugs by almost 60%.
Although epidurals help in alleviating pregnancy labor to a large extent, it is not entirely risk free. Moreover, it robs a woman of a chance of having a healthy baby. Epidurals are harmful to newborns, exposing them to risk of maternal fever and poor nursing behavior. Usually these babies are so sleepy that they do not nurse well and thus affects the lactating ability of the mother.
However, epidurals maybe useful in times of prolonged pregnancy labor, where the woman is so exhausted that she can push no more. In such cases, epidurals may help the woman in providing rest and may continue with labor after the effect of the epidural wears off.
The advantages of natural means of inducing labor, however, are many. Pregnancy labor can be alleviated by taking good care all throughout the pregnancy. Regular exercises, yoga for pregnancy, walking, intake of diet rich in multivitamins, folic acid, and iron supplements help in having a safe and exhilarating experience of child birth.
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