How to Find Out if You’re Carrying Twins
So your bundle of joy is about to come. Or is it a double bundle? How do you know if yours is a twin pregnancy? While the symptoms may vary in individual cases, there are some indicators that could help you determine if you are carrying twins.
There are various tests conducted by your obstetrician, which can help detect a twin pregnancy. One such test is the HcG (human chorionic gonadotropin) level. This hormone can be detected in a pregnant woman’s blood or urine about 10 days after conception. Higher levels of HcG may be indicative of a twin pregnancy. Besides this, the AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein) test which screens for birth defects may show positive or high results in a twin pregnancy. Another possible indicator is a Doppler heartbeat test, which uses sound waves to detect an additional heartbeat. However the surest way to confirm a twin pregnancy is by doing an ultrasound check, which will show up the images in black and white.
These tests apart, there are other symptoms you can watch out for. The most commonly reported indicator is excessive fatigue. Nurturing an extra life can take its toll, resulting in more fatigue than usual in a pregnant woman. Pregnancy symptoms in general may be exaggerated in case of twin pregnancy. This includes morning sickness, uterus size that expands to larger size than normal for the gestational age, and weight gain, which may be more than in the case of a single pregnancy.
While these in themselves do not confirm a twin pregnancy they can be highly indicative. Sometimes a family predisposition to multiple pregnancies or just a womanly intuition may be signal enough for a twin pregnancy that you can follow up with your doctor.
The chances of twin pregnancy increase if you’re over thirty, and if you have a family history of multiple pregnancies. Multiple pregnancies have increased in recent times, mainly due to increased age at conception. Many women are putting off childbearing till their post thirties due to career demands. Age-related hormonal changes, and fertility treatment can lead to twin or multiple pregnancies.
Whatever be the cause, a twin pregnancy calls for extra care as it is not one but two lives that are growing inside you. Take the best care you can of yourself and your babies and be prepared for one of life’s greatest miracles coming your way not as just one but two bundles of joy.
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