Friday, April 4, 2008

Following Pregnancy - Week By Week

The Growth of a Child In Its First Home

Pregnancy week by week, closely followed can be very fascinating to know, since it shows the development of the child little by little. It can be divided into three trimesters. The first trimester consists of the first three months, the second of the next three months, and the third from the sixth month till the due date. Usually a pregnancy lasts anywhere 38-42 weeks.

1) The first week is actually the menstrual period. Since the expected due date is calculated from the last day of the period, even though the baby hasn’t yet been conceived.

2) In this week, egg fertilization by the sperm takes place only at the end. So you may still not know you are pregnant. The sex of the baby is determined by the end of fertilization. This is the mid point of the menstrual cycle where the lining of the uterus is developing to nourish the baby.

3) At this stage, you may still not know you are pregnant. Nearly a day after fertilization, the fertilized egg divides itself into two and continues to divide while traveling through the fallopian tube to the uterus. When it reaches the uterus, it has become a ball of cells and this is called a morula. At the end of this week, the morula attaches itself to the uterus lining. This is termed as implantation.

4) In the fourth week, it develops into an embryo, which is made up of two cells, and which will eventually develop into the baby’s organs and body parts. Since the baby produces a hormone called the human chorionic gonadotropin, it is at this time the ovary stops releasing an egg every month, and monthly periods stop taking place. It is at this time you may realize you are pregnant.

5) At this point the baby’s heart is formed by the bulge in the center of the embryo. Now the placenta develops.

6) By week six, the baby’s brain and nervous system begin developing. The baby’s heartbeat can also be detected by an ultrasound. Digestive and respiratory systems also start forming. This is when symptoms like morning sickness and frequent urination can occur.

7) In this week, the umbilical cord is formed, which provides oxygen and nourishment to your baby, and helps in disposing of the baby’s wastes. The lungs also begin to form.

8) Fingers and toes begin to form, and the eyes become obvious. The baby’s genitals also start to form, although sex determination is not possible at this stage. At this stage you can get your pregnancy confirmed by a urine test.

9) In this week, the baby’s head is growing in contrast to the body. Muscles develop and may cause the baby to make some first movements.

10) This is the end of the embryonic period. The baby now has a distinctively human appearance

11) To accommodate for the rapidly growing baby in size, the placenta increase in number and size.

12) The baby’s kidneys are functioning, and it will not be able to pass urine. This is the end of the first trimester.

13) The placenta provides oxygen and nutrients to your baby.

14) The baby’s thyroid glands develop

15) The baby’s internal skeletal system develops. Muscle development continues.

16) Development of facial muscles takes place.

17) Placenta grows and contains numerous blood vessels that carry nutrients and oxygen to the baby’s developing body from your body.

18) Ears move to their position, and your baby will now start hearing your heartbeat and even get startled by loud noises. The bones begin to harden.

19) This week brings about the development of brown fat to keep the baby warm.

20) Nails and hair grow. This week marks the mid point of your pregnancy.

21) The intestines and bone marrow spaces develop.

22) Taste buds, brain and nerve ending form. The reproductive system is developed according to the sex of the baby.

23) The baby moves its muscles in the fingers, toes as a result of which you might feel its movements forcefully now and then.

24) The baby’s lungs are developing the capacity to produce a substance that keeps the air sacs in the lungs from collapsing thereby letting us breathe with ease.

25) Since the hearing is developed, your baby will hear when you talk to it. Nostrils also start to open.

26) Hair grows on the head, and eyelashes are formed.

27) The lungs continue to develop, and if born at this stage, there is a chance for survival.

28) The position of the baby can be determined at this stage, whether it is bottom first or head first, although the baby may change its position by itself later.

29) The baby is active, and you can feel its hard movements in your belly.

30) In order to breathe on its own after birth, the baby will copy breathing movements in your diaphragm.

31) By now the baby is urinating after swallowing the fluid in the sac.

32) Eyelashes, eyebrows and hair are evident.

33) Your baby can listen, and react to light.

34) By now most babies are in a position for delivery.

35) The baby’s growth may make it hard for it to move, but the movements may be more powerful. If in a head first position, the pressure may lay on the pubic bone of the mother.

36) There are sucking muscles and fat on the baby’s face.

37) The baby has developed coordination and can respond to bright light.

38) The baby’s first bowel movement takes place.

39) The soft hair covering the baby’s body has mostly disappeared.

40) You could be delivering your baby this week, or not, because most deliver at 42 weeks also. The baby’s skin may be dry and have patches, but that is normal.

Following pregnancy week by week is different for every woman. Every woman has a different experience. Although it is advisable to keep check on your pregnancy progress, it is also advisable to not get too paranoid, if your doctor tells you there is nothing to worry about. At the end of nine months, rest assured, you will have a beautiful and healthy baby.

Double Checking For A Twin Pregnancy

How to Find Out if You’re Carrying Twins

So your bundle of joy is about to come. Or is it a double bundle? How do you know if yours is a twin pregnancy? While the symptoms may vary in individual cases, there are some indicators that could help you determine if you are carrying twins.

There are various tests conducted by your obstetrician, which can help detect a twin pregnancy. One such test is the HcG (human chorionic gonadotropin) level. This hormone can be detected in a pregnant woman’s blood or urine about 10 days after conception. Higher levels of HcG may be indicative of a twin pregnancy. Besides this, the AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein) test which screens for birth defects may show positive or high results in a twin pregnancy. Another possible indicator is a Doppler heartbeat test, which uses sound waves to detect an additional heartbeat. However the surest way to confirm a twin pregnancy is by doing an ultrasound check, which will show up the images in black and white.

These tests apart, there are other symptoms you can watch out for. The most commonly reported indicator is excessive fatigue. Nurturing an extra life can take its toll, resulting in more fatigue than usual in a pregnant woman. Pregnancy symptoms in general may be exaggerated in case of twin pregnancy. This includes morning sickness, uterus size that expands to larger size than normal for the gestational age, and weight gain, which may be more than in the case of a single pregnancy.

While these in themselves do not confirm a twin pregnancy they can be highly indicative. Sometimes a family predisposition to multiple pregnancies or just a womanly intuition may be signal enough for a twin pregnancy that you can follow up with your doctor.

The chances of twin pregnancy increase if you’re over thirty, and if you have a family history of multiple pregnancies. Multiple pregnancies have increased in recent times, mainly due to increased age at conception. Many women are putting off childbearing till their post thirties due to career demands. Age-related hormonal changes, and fertility treatment can lead to twin or multiple pregnancies.

Whatever be the cause, a twin pregnancy calls for extra care as it is not one but two lives that are growing inside you. Take the best care you can of yourself and your babies and be prepared for one of life’s greatest miracles coming your way not as just one but two bundles of joy.

The Psychology Of The Pregnancy Period

How to Be Mentally Prepared for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a crucial event in a woman’s life. The immense responsibility of nurturing a new life can spark off many doubts and uncertainties throughout the pregnancy period. While some women may handle pregnancy quite naturally, for others the pregnancy period can be a stressful time, especially if it’s the first child. Make sure you discuss your doubts in detail with your doctor both before and during your pregnancy. Keeping yourself well informed about the various aspects of pregnancy can help you deal with it in a better and less stressful way.

Facts And Beliefs Of Pregnancy Labor

Sweet is fruit of labor, and the same can be true for pregnancy labor. This is a culmination of a nine-month period of apprehension, anxiety, and wait for your bundle of joy. This is the also most trying period of a young woman’s life. The end result maybe sweet, but pregnancy labor is undeniable the most painful part. And there are as many opinions and advices as the number of women who have undergone labor pain.

Here, I would like to talk about the many beliefs associated with pregnancy labor. It is popularly believed that having sexual intercourse may hasten up labor. Some even believe that brisk walking or power walking (as they say) nipple stimulation or even eating spicy foods or a pineapple help in inducing natural labor. Yet, some recommend administering enema or having castor oil. But all the aforementioned methods evoke a mixed opinion among doctors and midwives.

Though it is a fact that pregnancy labor takes it own natural course between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. It usually begins with the dilation of the cervix form zero to ten centimeters and this period is the longest in pregnancy labor. And then begins the painful stage of contractions spaced 5 minutes apart lasting a minute or so. But a woman’s body is undoubtedly the most wonderful creation of God. It has its own way of enduring this pain. Though, it also helps to have a supportive husband and research proves that it helps in reducing the need for pain relief drugs by almost 60%.

Although epidurals help in alleviating pregnancy labor to a large extent, it is not entirely risk free. Moreover, it robs a woman of a chance of having a healthy baby. Epidurals are harmful to newborns, exposing them to risk of maternal fever and poor nursing behavior. Usually these babies are so sleepy that they do not nurse well and thus affects the lactating ability of the mother.

However, epidurals maybe useful in times of prolonged pregnancy labor, where the woman is so exhausted that she can push no more. In such cases, epidurals may help the woman in providing rest and may continue with labor after the effect of the epidural wears off.

The advantages of natural means of inducing labor, however, are many. Pregnancy labor can be alleviated by taking good care all throughout the pregnancy. Regular exercises, yoga for pregnancy, walking, intake of diet rich in multivitamins, folic acid, and iron supplements help in having a safe and exhilarating experience of child birth.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Trendy Maternity Shirts To Make You Look Beautiful

When you are pregnant, you look thousand times more beautiful than you ever did before. There is that amazing glow on your skin and a blush on your face. Your partner says you have never looked as beautiful. With so many compliments in tow, you would also want to dress up nicely. But what kind of clothes do you want to buy at this time? Maybe, a trendy maternity shirt might catch your fancy and you may start thinking of borrowing your husband’s shirts and wearing them with a pair of stretch jeans. But instead of doing that, why don’t you go in for some new trendy maternity shirts? These come in all colors, shapes and sizes. There is one for every one and you will never be able to say you could not find a great and cool looking shirt for yourself.

Cool and Trendy Maternity Shirts

When you are pregnant in the first trimester, you can wear your usual clothes, the ones that you used to wear before you discovered that you were pregnant. But as your pregnancy progresses, your pre- pregnancy clothes will not fit you and your shirts will be too tight on the tummy. That’s when you need to go out and shop for some really cool trendy maternity shirts. Buy the material depending on the season, cool cottons for the summers, warm woolen shirts for the winters and also some smart denim shirts. These latest maternity shirts go well with a pair of jeans and they not only look good but they are also very comfortable to wear.

Use These Shirts as Mood Elevators

Do not think that just because you are pregnant you would have to give up on fashion. You certainly don’t have to. You don’t have to hide that tummy and walk around in sack like clothes. A trendy maternity shirt will be loose fitting and still make you look sexy and appealing. And imagine what it does for your baby? Remember that your baby will be born healthier, if you stay happy during pregnancy. So dress up to elevate your mood and look cool and attractive.

Thrush - A Painful Infection

Thrush of the mouth is known medically as oral pseudo membranous candidiacis. It is a yeast infection. The organism lives on the skin in the bowel. It causes soreness and white patches in the mouth. If your baby is breast fed, it is less likely to develop thrush as compared to a baby who is bottle-fed. A healthy baby can also develop thrush. This is caused when the baby passes through the mother’s birth canal.

You can make out if your baby has thrush, by checking out for sores and white patches in your baby’s cheeks, palette, lips, and tongue. Thrush patches are curd like and stick to the tissue beneath the tongue, unlike milk residues. If you try to use a swab to take of this patch, it will not come off easily, and even if it does, there will be a red sore area beneath it, that will bleed. These sores are painful.

Why the Baby Develops Thrush

A baby may develop thrush because of stress, antibiotics, unhealthy pacifiers, being bottle fed too long, which causes the lining of the baby’s mouth to get scraped; and if the mother’s nipples are in an unhygienic condition.

Treating Thrush

Remember; do not let your child use a pacifier for too long. Also, do not let it sleep with a pacifier in its mouth. Sterilize the pacifier and keep your nipples clean at all times.

Nystatin is a medicine used to treat thrush of the mouth. It is an anti fungal medication. It can either be applied on the white patches or given to the baby in the oral form.

It is advisable that you read all about thrush of the mouth, so that if your baby is ever infected, you will be alert to any discomfort and come to know at once about the infection. For more information visit pregnancy period.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Benefits Of Cord Blood Banking

What Is Cord Blood?

If you are unaware of what cord blood is and what purpose it has then this article can help you. Cord blood is the blood that is collected from the placenta at childbirth. The blood contains stem cells which have blood forming properties. This blood is able to replenish itself and create new red and white blood cells and platelets. Because of this very useful property, this blood can be used in curing many frightening diseases such as leukemia, anemia, lymphoma and thalassemia. Now that we know what cord blood is, let us know more about cord blood banking.

Cord Blood Banking

The collected cord blood is checked for genetic diseases, the red blood cells are removed, and the cord blood is frozen in liquid nitrogen. This cord blood preservation is done by cord blood bank for future usage.

Therefore cord blood is stored in a cord blood bank for use when the family members want it. More and more mothers are donating their cord blood after pregnancy at the time of childbirth.

The Two Types of Cord Blood Banks

Cord blood banks are of two types, one in which you donate the baby cord blood to be stored for future use by you or your family members. This is done in a private cord blood bank. The other is where the baby cord blood stored can be used by an unrelated person as well, and it is done at a public cord blood bank.

If You Have A History Of Genetic Illness

It is advisable, that if you have a history of any genetic illness in the family, you should store your cord blood so that your child can avail it in future if required.

Private Cord Blood Banking- A Costlier Option

A private cord blood bank can be a bit costly as they charge you to store the cord blood. On the other hand a public cord blood bank accepts your blood and stores it for free.

If you do not find the cost a deterrent then you can certainly go in for private cord blood banking and ensure that your baby’s cord blood will be available to you when you need it.

Cord Blood Bank- A Means To Preserve Cord Blood For Your Future

A cord blood bank preserves your baby’s cord blood for future use. We will get back to cord blood banking in just a moment but first let us know what is cord blood? Cord blood is the blood that is removed from the placenta of a child at birth. This blood is rich in stem cells, which have the ability to regenerate and recreate to form new cell types, such as red and white blood cells, brain cells and muscle cells. Now it would be clear to you how important this cord blood is in treating dangerous diseases related to the blood and immune system. If you give your assent, the cord blood is collected from the placenta at the time of child birth and stored for future use.

The Importance Of Cord Blood Storage

Cord blood is used to treat several diseases. These diseases could be hereditary or caused due to viral attacks or injuries during your lifetime. For these diseases, stem cell transplantation is a must. The stem cells are transplanted into the body of the patient to help renew and replenish the ill and dying stem cells of the person. If a person is undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, stem cell transplantation strengthens the weakened immune system of the person.

Remember that if you have a family history of genetic diseases, then you should make it a point to store your baby’s umbilical cord blood as a precautionary measure. If required in future, you can use this blood, without having to search for a donor.

The different Types Of Cord Blood Banks

The cord blood can be stored in a private bank or in a public cord blood bank. It will cost you some money to store it in a private cord blood bank. But you will have access to it whenever you or your immediate family member requires it. On the other hand, if you decide to store it in a public bank, then anyone can have access to it. The storage facility at a public cord blood bank is free of cost.

Armed with this importance knowledge of cord blood banking, you can take requisite measures and avoid facing a harrowing experience of searching for cord blood, when required! For more information visit pregnancy period.

Christian Baby Shower- Happy Gifting

Baby shower has been celebrated through the ages. It was even celebrated many thousands of years ago in Egypt and Rome. Now days, baby showers are an integral part of popular American Christian culture. So what gifts would you give a pregnant mother for a Christian baby shower?

A Playing Toy

Children love to play, so an ideal gift for a Christian baby shower would be to gift the pregnant mother some wonderful baby toys. These toys should not just be engaging but also help in the child’s growth and development. Baby gift such as play pens, activity gyms, musical toys or textured toys make lovely gifts for a mother in her last stages of pregnancy.

Baby slings

Another great gifting idea is a baby sling. A mother can carry around her baby in a baby sling and have her hands free to do other things. The baby feels very secure in this sort of sling and carrying the baby this way also builds the parent child bond.

Baby Travel Pack

A baby travel pack makes a very useful and thoughtful gift. It is a diaper bag filled with things such as diapers, toys, bibs, clothes, safety pins and other basic necessities for your baby. It proves very helpful when you are on the move or traveling to some place.

A baby Car Seat

You can also buy a smart baby car seat and present it to the pregnant mother. This is very useful from the point of view of safety for the baby when the mother is traveling with the baby by car. Of course this also encourages the mother to be mobile and not tied down to the household with the new born.

There are a great many gift ideas for Christian baby shower gifts. Use your imagination and think of some thing that the pregnant mother will have happy recollections of.

How To Acquire Cheap Maternity Clothes

You’re pregnant. That does not mean you cannot look beautiful and tempting to your partner. Not just that, you want to look sexy and attractive for yourself too. It is time to flaunt that belly, and show of your pregnancy to the rest of the world. And you don’t even have to spend a fortune. Get creative and think of different ways by which you can save those dollars and still have some great cheap maternity clothes for you. Here are some suggestions, but if you have ideas of your own do not hesitate to put them into practice.

Borrow them from Your Friends

Since maternity clothes are worn for only nine months of pregnancy, you may as well borrow them from a good friend or your sister.

Ask Your Husband for His Clothes

If your husband is tall and muscular, great, now you can wear some of his baggy trousers and shirts and look sexy in his clothes.

Sales and Thrift Shops

Always be on the look out for good sales in your locality, or go to a thrift shop nearby and choose all the designs you want that are appealing, the colors that make you feel good, and the sizes and cuts that make you comfortable. Not to mention, you get all these cheap maternity clothes at bargain prices.

Go On a Stitching Spree

Stitch your own clothes. This is a wonderful way to pass time during your pregnancy and also wear clothes that are ‘tailor made’ to dress yourself up in which ever fashion that appeals to you. Besides you would feel great about creating some of your own designs.

Mix and Match Clothes

Buy a few maternity clothes at great bargains from a sale or even online. In fact, online you have some fabulous offers and so much choice. Then mix n’ match them and wear them to look cool and attractive.

Those were some suggestions on how to procure cheap maternity clothes. We want you to look good and feel good in your maternity clothing. Wish you a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Care After Pregnancy For A Healthy You And Your Baby

Whether you are a homemaker or a working mother, you must stay at home and let your body heal for at least six weeks after pregnancy. The importance of care after pregnancy cannot be underestimated.

The Benefits of Care after Pregnancy

Care after pregnancy helps to detect and treat infections that may occur in the mother.

It helps to detect and treat infections in the newborn infant.

It also helps in giving knowledge about breastfeeding and nutrition to the new mother

Finally, care after pregnancy enables the mother and father to get future family planning advice from the doctor.

Care after Pregnancy for Your Baby

As a part of post pregnancy care for your baby, it undergoes certain tests for almost thirty disorders, before it can be taken home. Among these are tests for Hypothyroidism, Galoctosemia, Sickle Cell Disease, and Cystic Fibrosis.

Caring For the Umbilical Cord

Once your baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut, leaving a stub about half an inch behind. This stub takes from two to eight weeks to dry up and fall off. Meanwhile, you have to ensure that it is not infected. Do not pull at the cord to try to remove it. Keep the area clean and dry. Until the cord falls off, give the baby sponge baths. Inform the doctor, if the cord base swells and bleeds, if it reddens, or if there is pus formation, or it is painful to the baby.

The ‘Baby Blues’ and Ways to Counter Them

Some women go into a depression after the baby is born. This is also known as having the ‘baby blues’. They say it happens because of hormonal changes in the body after pregnancy. If it continues for longer than a few weeks, you should talk to your doctor about it. To counter ‘Baby Blues,’ avoid remaining alone. Mix and talk to people. Listen to your favorite music, do things that you like to do. Do not drown yourself in negative thoughts. Think happy thoughts and memories. Taking good care after pregnancy means a healthier you and your baby.

Cards For Baby Shower- Some Thoughts

Pregnancy is a time for celebration and every one comes together to attend a pregnancy celebration and have a fun time. This is a time to spread love and affection amongst the friends and family. After all, a new life is going to arrive into the world any time soon. The pregnant mother will be tired but still ecstatic, and to share her happiness cards for baby shower are sent out. These invitation cards could be sent by email, by regular mail, or by phone. They could be handwritten or printed and they could be formal or funny in style to make the guests and family members have a good laugh.

Send Out The Cards Well In Advance

What you should remember of course is that the cards for the baby shower should be sent well in advance, at least four to six weeks ahead of the date fixed for the baby shower party; so that the guests have enough time to make their travel plans and let you know if they will be able to make it or not.

What You Should Remember While Making Baby Shower Cards

You must also let the guests know the name of the person you are organizing the baby shower for, who is going to be the host or hostess, and if it going to be a surprise event don’t forget to mention it in the baby shower invitation cards. Don’t forget to write down the date and time of the event, the theme of the party, and the favorite colors of the guests of honor. Why not write out some ideas for gifts for the baby shower? These suggestions could prove helpful to the guests in choosing their gifts. Always remember to attach a map and give directions so the guests are able to find the venue easily. You might even want to mention if meals have been planned.

Those were some tips on preparing cards for baby shower. You can be rest assured, if you follow these tips you will be delighted with the response.